The Learning Curve to "Nothing"...

In our hyperconnected, chronically overscheduled, digitally overloaded, loud, poor sleep habits world, “doing nothing” often isn’t nothing at all. When we’re “relaxing”, we’re actually playing on our phones or reading a book while a stereo or the 4 TVs in the house are all on their own programs droning in the background. When we’re working, we’re often fielding phone notifications and phone calls and email dings while trying to focus.

Some of us are even sleeping with TVs on or using the phone scroll as a middle of the night “can’t sleep” time filler.

You’re not alone. Our modern society is not built for deep rest or focus. We’re under constant bombardment and our brains have adjusted to the constant “channel changing” and speeding from one task to the next and back again. They’re glitchy and non-stop….but they don’t have to be. You can regain proper sleep patterns and quality, mental focus and clarity, patience. You can reset your stress baseline and stop operating in constant red alert mode.

BUT…it’s not going to happen in one float - just like you’re not miraculously going to have an athletic build from going to the gym one time or manage chronic pain by taking one pill or find mental wellness with one trip to the counselor/therapist or heal chronic, complex health issues with one trip to the doctor.

In fact, I would wager that if you’ve only floated one time, you actually have no idea what float therapy does. You’ve experienced what it IS, but not the massive list of benefits it provides.

For example, have you ever tried to meditate? We all hear how good it is for us - for our brains, for our mental wellness, but we sit down to do it and trying to be still for 2 minutes is like getting tooth pulled. It feels impossible. In the wild world I mentioned above, we have to learn this process and we have to continue to show up in it to learn how to begin to be still.

The bonus of float over traditional meditation is that the sensory neutral environment will help coax your brain to this deep rest brain state (often referred to as theta state). Most people will experience this at some point during their first float for a short time, but are unable to stay in it because their bodies and minds are still learning.

Here’s what happens with 95% of our clients over the course of 3 floats:

  • Float 1: “My body feels good. That was a cool experience. It was fun to play in there.” During this float, we’re simply adjusting to the environment. The brain is learning to be okay with the stillness (though we do offer meditative music if you’d prefer or you’re welcome to bring your own to connect to Bluetooth). We’ve experienced what a float session is like. After the first float, we get reports of better sleep the night of the float session, feeling well rested, generally happier and less stressed.

  • Float 2: “I think I fell asleep.” We’re more comfortable with the process. We know what to expect and our brains and bodies relax a little easier and a little more quickly. This sleep may actually be sleep or may be the deep rest state that is theta. Nobody feels like 60 minutes has passed when they get out. The body is enjoying the spinal decompression, reduced inflammation and muscle tension, and overall “feel good” feeling.

  • Float 3: “What just happened?! | The Light Bulb Float” Across the board, every client that has experienced 3 floats in a fairly short amount of time (1-6 weeks). These clients emerge with giant smiles on their faces (and sometimes the giggles). Having adjusted to the environment and gotten used to the process, stepping into the float tank this time felt like home, like a safe place to put it all down. Our brains stop trying to control the process or stay on subconscious alert. We get bonafide deep rest - maybe for the first time in years. We realize the depth of the effect this hour had on our brain, body and spirit. We feel lighter. The post-float effects last longer. We are becoming more balanced and centered - less likely to react to the environment around us in a negative way and more likely to be kind, patient, and present.

If ever you’ve been in for one float, we applaud you for being willing to try it. We’re also going to gently challenge you to try it the 2nd and 3rd time so we can properly introduce you to the true power of this life-changing modality that packs a massive list of benefits for the health of your brain, body, and spirit.

The Float Spa SF